Saturday, June 9, 2007

The Quality inn

If you read my last blog you what has happened in the last few days so where I was last I said
then we walked back. After that we went to our room, it was clean, my mom said we should get a
discount but she was kidding so the front desk really did give us a discount! my mom said "I was
just kidding!" but she did it anyway. Then we went swimming. I don't remember the next day.
The day after that we went to Park City Uta we stayed there 1 night, then we went to 3 peaks
hotel at Lake Tao the next day well I will stop for now.

Living the travaling life

If you read my mom's blog you see what has been going on but I am way ahead of her.....
We are in Boulder Colorado, we just left Topeka Kansas that's where our great grandparents apartments are, we visited them for 3 days, then we came here. We got a hotel went up to the room and it wasn't clean! the last person who was in the room left the ''do not disturb'' sine so nobody cleaned the room! so we told the front desk who told house keeping to clean, so while they were cleaning we went to lunch at subway at the town center. After we ate lunch we walked and walked until we saw a man who was going to have a show, so we sat down waited a few minutes then he started to juggle fire! it was amazing!! after that we got some ice cream at Ben and Jerrys it was really good,then we walked back.